Professional ongoing training

taff from several areas of our company are attending professional training courses.

ISI believes that it is extremely important our teams be continuously trained and update their knowledge.

That is why every year we keep on invest in offering ISI’s different department professionals training courses.
Therefore, last month our commercial staff participated in a course delivered by
GAPP (Argentine Group of Petroleum Suppliers) whose objective was to update and
provide new tools to those responsible for sales and commercial management. The aim was to know the new paradigms and commercial strategies applied to the oil industry B2B channel and to customer-focused business management.

On the other hand, staff from the laboratory area joined a course organized by IAPG (Argentine
Institute of Oil and Gas) on crude oil processing. That course was of great interest for other companies such as YPF, Chevron and Baker Hugues among other. Such training allowed us to deepen our knowledge on the process of oil/water separation and learned about several topics that range from chemistry to design issues and specification of the equipment used.

We congratulate the professionals who participated in these training stages for their
willigness and commitment.