Present at the first “Argentina-Texas Summit Energy”

We participated in “Argentina Texas Summit Energy”, the summit organized by Argentina- Texas Chamber of Commerce.
Estuvimos presentes en la primera edición del “Argentina-Texas Summit Energy”

On Tuesday 9th August we participated in “Argentina Texas Summit Energy”, the summit organized by Argentina- Texas Chamber of Commerce. It took place at Hilton Hotel in Neuquén city, Argentina.

We were silver sponsors in this key event for the Oil & Gas industry. The main industry leaders as well as Neuquén province authorities and Marc Stanly, the American ambassador attended.

Under the slogan “Developing the full potential of Vaca Muerta through the US-Argentina bilateral partnership“, the present and future of oil activity in the region and the cooperation ties between Argentina and Texas were discussed.

Ambassador Marc Stanley highlighted the mutual intention to promote investment, trade, education and cooperation opportunities between Texas and Argentina and pointed out that political leaders need to encourage investment by focusing on four fundamental areas:

  • Free access to foreign currency and the possibility of repatriating capital.
  • A stable regulatory and fiscal framework.
  • Market price for gas and oil.
  • Improvements in pipeline infrastructure and exports.

We are very glad for our participation in this summit, which exceeded our expectations due to lecturers’ high level and the content of the speeches.

Likewise, it was a very fruitful day to strengthen ties and exchange valuable information with colleagues and industry leaders.

Our deepest congratulations to the organizers!