ISI’s team was once again present at the Expo Argentina Oil & Gas Patagonia, 2022 organized by Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas (IAPG) (Oil and Gas Argentine Institute)
The summit was held in DUAM (a place to hold events), located in the city of Neuquén.
More than 260 international, national and local companies participated in this event, such as YPF, Shell, Pampa, Pan American Energy, Wintershall, Total, Pluspetrol and Tecpetrol, among others.
Likewise, nearly 12,000 people visited the Expo. It meant about 4,000 more than in 2018 last event.
This is one of the most popular events in the hydrocarbons industry; moreover, it is a great opportunity for companies to generate contacts with potential clients, make business rounds and promote services and products in Neuquén Basin.
It was a very productive day for us since we took the opportunity to strengthen ties with colleagues and clients, as well as to update ourselves on the latest developments in the sector.
Undoubtedly, the focus was on Vaca Muerta, a historic opportunity for the country to export hydrocarbons that will triple oil production and double gas extraction in a few years.