We were invited to take part in “Conferencia Promocional de Henggin, Zona de Libre Comercio, Zhuhai, China” (a conference to promote Chinese trade), organized by Consejo Chino para la Promoción del Comercio Internacional (CCPIT) de Zhuhai (Zhuhai Entity that promotes international trade), la Cámara Empresarial China – Argentina (China – Argentina Business Forum) y el Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios Políticos y Económicos de China (CLEPEC) (a Latin American Center that deals with Chinese Politics and Economics matters)
The event set the pertinent moment to talk about economic, cultural and political projects in a new trade region in People’s Republic of China. Moreover, it was a good opportunity to foster investment and strengthen bonds between China and Latin America.
“It was a more positive experience than expected to get to know Chinese culture and continue strengthening bonds and showing investment opportunities in Florencio Varela city. We are facing the challenge of increasing national product exportation rate in the middle term. Therefore, we are with businessmen involved in the oil chemical and food industry to comply with Chinese government officials’ requirements”, explained “Secretario de Industria y Desarrollo Productivo de Florencio Varela” (Florencio Varela city Secretary of Industry and Development) Martín Pollera as soon as the event finished.
Regarding the above mentioned matter, Gabriel Giménez, ISI Oilfield Chemicals Trade Division Manager, highlighted: “we are already doing business with China to buy raw material so we believed that this was a good idea to take up the invitation to strengthen our commercial links with China. We would also like to thank the Municipality initiative since they took us into account to participate in such important event.